Thursday 1 December 2011

Free Story #7 - Guided (Chapter 7)

Another sex scene in this part. Just so you know :)


After the brief visit of my friend, I resumed sitting down in front of the TV. Watching a program on how to fix a kitchen sink wasn't my idea of fun. So I tuned it to an episode of True Blood. Looking at the handsome figure of Alcide Herveaux, I smiled and thought I had finally found one that was mine and mine alone.

A couple of hours later, there was a knock at the door. Looking through the peep hole, I saw Doug standing there for the second time in the space of a few hours. He was looking at beautiful as ever and I could smell more Calvin Klein all over him.

I wondered if he used the Calvin Klein to block the smell of wolf from humans around him as he would probably set off a few hormones with his transformations. Sometimes he did use the spray and sometimes he didn't. Maybe it depended on how long he stayed in his other form or maybe he forgot to buy a refill. I opened the door and embraced him in a big hug. He accepted the embrace and hugged me back.

"That was quick" I joked.

"Did you miss me?" he asked.

"Yeah, I did" I replied and licked the side of his face which he repeated with great finesse.

After another mind-blowing kiss, we stood admiring each other again for a moment. Turning off the TV, we went into my bedroom.

When I closed the door, I stripped down to my pants and went to grab my boxer shorts. Doug didn't turn away as I got changed and a few seconds later, I was wearing them. Doug didn't have a pair of boxer shorts I let him borrow one of mine. As we got into my double bed, I found it very strange to have someone in bed with me.

It was like finding out you have a spot or a hair in an unusual place, it wasn't painful but it was slightly different. We turned to face each other and licked each other once more.

"So how was the meeting?" I asked.

"We transformed, went for a hunt, then I came here" he explained.

"Did you get anything?" Doug looked surprised at the question but gave me an answer.

"No, we don't generally eat anything, we just hunt for fun. If we did kill animals we'd have to find a new place to live every time because of people trying to find us"

Doug gently nibbled my ear and I returned the favour. He then started rubbing against me like a dog pleading for attention. I suddenly realised that he was practically begging for release. So, I would have to help him out else I would have a hyperactive lycan in bed all night. For a minute, I smirked to myself thinking some people have to walk a dog; I have to shag a werewolf.

"Okay then, on you get" I said and pushed back the duvet so Doug could get on top of me.

Thirty seconds later, Doug was erect and inside me. It didn't feel as uncomfortable or painful like the first time. But oh my god, it felt just good as he thrust inside me and stroked my own erection. After a few minutes of this, I felt the same feral pleasure kick in again. The second time it wasn't so intense but it was still very potent. So I moaned and moved in perfect sync with him in order to keep myself intact. Five minutes later, I felt myself give in to the waves of pleasure and came.

I let myself go all over his chest with a yell of pleasure. He rubbed it into himself and thrust faster until a few seconds later when he howled with ecstasy and let himself go into me. After we cleaned up, we snuggled under the duvet and within minutes, we had both fallen asleep.

The next morning, I woke to find myself alone. Not as surprised as I could have been I went to the kitchen and found a note on the fridge. I read it as if it was a shopping list, but my face dropped from a look of mild interest to a look of deep horror and disgust.

Hey Taylor,
Stephen was found seriously injured last night. We have gone to the hospital to get him checked over.
I love you

There were no pictures of the injuries attached to the letter. I grabbed a few microwave sausages out the fridge for my breakfast, set the timer on the oven and closed the door.

When it was just about edible, I got them out, placed them between two slices of buttered bread and went to sit down at the sofa.

Being very cautious about where I put my feet was a priority because my body was shaking with anxiety. Although the fear was found less, I found myself wondered if my sense of gravity and balance would betray me at any instant. Just as my rear touched the sofa, the doorbell rang.

Awakened from my worrying about Stephen, I went to the door and opened it cautiously. It was Jenna; she was wearing the same clothes from that last time we met and looked as though she hadn't slept a wink.
To be honest, I would have been the same if I had known about the situation.

But being not of pack, so to speak, how was the knowledge supposed to reach me?

"Come in" I offered and Jenna sat down on the sofa.

There were several minutes of silence and when I offered to give her the sausage sandwich as sustenance she refused with a gently shake of her head.

"Is he going to be alright?"

"He's going to be fine" she replied after a minute or two.

"We had to give him some of our blood. Just to ensure that the healing process accelerated fast enough for him to survive. I just don't understand why Campbell would want to do this to his own son"

Her words seemed to come not without effort, and it caused her to breathe excessively. I could tell that giving her own blood had caused mental and physical side-effects but common sense dictated that speaking of these would be facetious to say the least. I sat down next to her and put my arm around her for comfort. Being almost a stranger to me didn't matter, she needed comfort and I was the only one here. She looked at me with tears starting in her eyes. I stroked her hair gently and she gently sobbed into my chest.

"Jenna, I'm so sorry. If I hadn't suggested it then this wouldn't have happened"

It was my turn to be on the verge of sobs. Jenna however, seemed to have got some of her old confidence back.

"It's not your fault; it was our choice to become a pack. Now Stephen and Doug are with me, there is nothing to stop us being who we are"

In that moment, I felt as a great cloud had been lifted from my mind. As if the forgiveness alone had freed me from my inner torment.

That of course and Jenna's reasoning was right. I didn't force them to do it, they did it themselves. The doorbell rang again ceasing my inner monologue once more. Jenna gave a look at me and I nodded.
She went over to the door and looked through the hole. Smiling with delight, she opened the door and found Doug standing there with an almost fully healed Stephen in tow.

His blond hair had been stained with his own blood but it didn't matter for now. The most important thing was that he was alive and nothing could overtake that at this moment in time.

I smiled at Stephen and he smiled back. Even without being able to know his thoughts, I knew that he didn't blame me and neither did Doug.

Doug kissed and licked me. He looked so relieved that his pack mate was alive that I repeated it without hesitation. He'd been through enough without causing me him unnecessary grief. For a second, no-one said anything and eventually Jenna and Stephen went into the bedroom.

"How are you doing?" I asked. It was a stupid question I knew but it was the only one that seemed right to say.

"Not too bad. Bit drained from the blood loss but nothing a good steak won't cure"

I wondered if he meant raw or cooked but decided that asking would have seemed a bit intrusive and maybe even a little bit racist. Was it possible to be racist to a werewolf? I assumed so seeing as how you could be to other minority groups.

"I thought only vampires give each other blood?" I asked him with a curious tone in my voice.

"We only use it in life threatening circumstances. The hospital staff didn't even realise that we had because Jenna was able to stall them in the hospital using her magic"

For a minute there I had to do a double take.

"What?" I asked him.

"She's a half werewolf. Her mother was a witch and her father was a werewolf"

"So she's your half-sister?" I asked him.

"In a way, but she still feels like a full sister because of the wolf connection and now that's she's my alpha, the connection is even stronger"

I knew that he didn't mean incest but still, the fact of growing stronger through a blood bond was a little bit weird even for me. But I reminded myself I saw supernatural occurrences nearly every day so it was time to let things be.

I wondered why Jenna had seemed different to the others and why she wasn't part of the pack that Doug and Stephen used to belong to.

Maybe Campbell didn't like witches as well as humans.

I wondered at that moment if it was true hate or if he simply didn't want to trust them. Stephen and Jenna came out of the room with relief written all over them.

Clearly the fact that it happened had shaken them up but they had decided that now no-one was bonded to Campbell's pack, it was better for everyone.

A loud barking brought me to my senses and looking down I noticed that all of three of them had shifted into wolf form. I smiled in spite of my own surprise and took them to the woods in my car so they could enjoy themselves.

Watching them play and hunt was fascinating and for a second, I almost felt like singing 'Part of your World' from The Little Mermaid.

As much as I loved being human, part of me longed to belong to a pack like them, run wild and play with no real responsibilities.

In fact a few lines of the reprise did slip through my lips. The bit where Ariel is sat on the rock watching Eric after she has saved his life. About half an hour later, they ran back to me panting and indicating toward the car. It was about seven o'clock and already dark, so hiding them wasn't going to be a problem.

I got them in again somehow and when I got back to the flat, they shifted back into human form. They washed themselves over then Jenna and Doug left because they had to go to work.

Jenna worked in a small fashion shop just in the middle of town according to her brother. Stephen stayed behind for a second which surprised me slightly.

"Aren't you going back home?" I asked.

"My dad threw me out because I left his pack" he replied.

"I'm so sorry" I said.

Stephen smiled and looked at me with an expression that seemed to say it was fine and not to worry. It was then that I made up my mind. We had a spare bedroom for guests and seeing as how Zoe didn't have anyone over, I offered to let him stay for a while if he wanted to. He looked at me with a hint of surprise.

"Are you sure?"

"Sure I'm sure. It's the least I can do" I replied.

A broad smile of gratitude went across his face and he embraced me in a hug. I found it hard not to push him away because we weren't that close. But I felt like he needed this, so I let him continue until he was ready to let go.

"I'll go and get my stuff from home. Dad's away on pack business so it should be alright" Stephen said and in a moment, he had gone.

As I tidied up the room, Zoe came back with Arc in her arms. She looked as though she had seen a ghost which was unusual for her.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Arc isn't what we think he is" She gasped. I looked down at the cat but in a flash of energy, the cat was gone replaced by a very tall twenty year old man wearing nothing by his birthday suit.

"Taylor, I'm not just a cat, I'm a shape-changer"

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